Guide to Applying to College in the Fine Arts (Visual or Performing)

Guide to Applying to College in the Fine Arts (Visual or Performing)

So, your child plans to apply to college for a degree in the fine arts?  Then it’s time to get to work! It’s an exciting process, but a time-consuming one, which requires lots of preparation. While it can be overwhelming, I’ve prepared this guide to provide an overview and break down the process. If you…

Are Colleges Getting More or Less Selective?

Are Colleges Getting More or Less Selective?

A prominent university in my state recently announced their admissions decisions.  I was only peripherally aware of it.   I had noted somewhere in the back of my mind though, that my social media feed didn’t show any parents excitedly announcing their child’s acceptance.  It seemed odd because I had seen lots of posts about another…


Three Things High School Juniors Should Do for a Less Stressful Senior year

I’m living with a high school Junior.  And even though I thought I had learned so much after surviving Junior year with two other kids, I’m realizing that it doesn’t matter all that much how much I had learned.  Junior year just seems to be a stressful one for college-bound students and I’m not sure…

Disability (and Chronic Illness) and What You Need to Know for the College Search
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Disability (and Chronic Illness) and What You Need to Know for the College Search

Some families face an added challenge when searching for a good college fit for their student – their student has a disability or chronic illness, which means doing some extra research to be sure to find a place that can make proper college accommodations.  It’s actually worthwhile for all parents to at least consider what…