Advanced Placement Frequently Asked Questions

Advanced Placement Frequently Asked Questions

Recently, Advanced Placement (AP) classes are back in the news.  Eight elite high schools in the Washington DC area announced that they will no longer offer them.  This has stirred up new controversy about whether the classes are worthwhile. Did those high schools drop AP classes because they are not challenging and don’t help to…

7 Important Factors in the College Application Process

7 Important Factors in the College Application Process

If you thought that applying to college was just a matter of your student sending in their test scores and GPA, and maybe a teacher letter of recommendation, and then sitting back and waiting for the college to give them an answer, think again.   Sure, that’s the case at some schools, particularly large state universities. …


Three Things High School Juniors Should Do for a Less Stressful Senior year

I’m living with a high school Junior.  And even though I thought I had learned so much after surviving Junior year with two other kids, I’m realizing that it doesn’t matter all that much how much I had learned.  Junior year just seems to be a stressful one for college-bound students and I’m not sure…