What Does Holistic College Admission Mean?
A holistic approach is not based solely on GPAs or test scores or other numerical data. So what does holistic college admission mean?
A holistic approach is not based solely on GPAs or test scores or other numerical data. So what does holistic college admission mean?
What is a college “likely letter” and who is likely to get one of them? What does it mean if you don’t receive one?
I’ve said before that not everyone needs to hire a college admissions consultant. I stand by that. The information you need to know is all out there (even on this website) for those families that want to save some money and are willing to do the work themselves. But sometimes, the challenge is actually that…
(And Other Super Selective Schools) Know that the information I’ll talk about in this article does not only apply to Ivy league colleges. It will be true for any college that accepts only a small percentage of applicants, Ivy or not. But, since the question in the title is, “What does it take to get…
Recently, I had the opportunity to ask questions of a couple of college admission counselors. I wanted to get the scoop about what they are really thinking as they read through applications from high school students. Originally, I was hoping to just pick up a few college application tips I could pass along to my…
If you’re the parent of a potentially college-bound child, chances are that you have spent more than a few minutes thinking about the best way to finance that dream. While I have written previously about how to understand how much college really costs, I have never written specifically about the best way to save for…
I’ve written dozens of articles about college admission, ranging from beginning the college search to financial aid. I recently realized that for some reason, the one topic I have never written much about is this one – the college admission essay. Without a doubt, it’s the part of the application that students seem to dread…
Two weeks ago, which now seems like a year ago, I wrote about the preliminary anticipated impact of Covid-19 on college admissions. Since then, there have been daily developments and the picture has become much clearer. So I thought it was time to check back in here and attempt a round-up of what we now…
What are some reasons that a college with big name recognition might not be the best choice for your student? Find out here.
High school profiles are rarely mentioned in the admissions process. But, colleges often rely on them to help them make admissions decisions.