male student looking at laptop with headphones

Is the Common App or Coalition App a Better Option?

Both the Common Application and the Coalition Application are online college application platforms. The Coalition App is a relative newcomer, opening up for applications in Fall of 2016. In contrast, the Common App has been around since 1975 and has gone through numerous revisions since then. Let’s first talk about the similarities and differences in…

high school classroom students working together

High School Foreign Language – What You Need to Know for College Admission

When it’s time to choose high school schedules, I get LOTS of questions about foreign language requirements for college admissions. If your student does not appreciate the importance of taking a high school foreign language when it comes time to apply to college, it’s time to make sure they understand it now! Here are my…

calculator with checkbook and money

Important Financial Aid Questions You Didn’t Know to Ask

If you have been reading about college admissions for a while, you may already know some of the financial aid basics like what an EFC is.  And if you’ve been following me for a while, you likely know what an NPC is too.  However, the list below also includes financial aid questions you may not…

clock tower against blue sky on college campus
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What to Do and Questions to Ask on a College Visit

So, you’ve accepted that as unbelievable as it seems, it is time for your high schooler to begin visiting some colleges.  You’ve navigated the college websites and gotten a couple of visits scheduled.  But what do you do while you’re there? And you’ve got lots of questions  – how do you know what kind of…

People shaking hands before college interview

Prepping for the College Interview

While college admissions interviews are not the norm, they are not uncommon either.  Even if a college interview is offered, it’s sometimes not mandatory.  But, if any of the colleges on your student’s list offer the option, your student should seize the opportunity.  Interviews are a great chance to impress admissions officers and they can…

tables lined up in gym with college representatives behind them

Why You Should Go to a College Fair and What You Should Do While You’re There

I have a confession:  Until last winter, I was anti-college fair.  There were a number of reasons for that.  The major one was that we were able to visit all the schools on Kids #1 and #2’s college lists at some point prior to college application time.  We were not as fortunate for Kid #3…