college women playing lacrosse
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College Athletic Recruiting: What You Need to Know to Get Started

College athletic recruiting is a complicated thing and there is absolutely no way to capture all of the nuances in one article. For one thing, it varies by sport!  But, I am going to give you an overview to get you started. And then, I’ll provide some further resources for you. Before getting too far,…

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Here Are the Best Online Resources for College Admission

So, you’ve decided it’s time to take the first steps in the college search process. Maybe you’ve even read the Best Books about College Admissions. But now what? The next step for most of us is to turn to the internet in search of some online resources for college admission and the process surrounding it….

clock tower against blue sky on college campus
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What to Do and Questions to Ask on a College Visit

So, you’ve accepted that as unbelievable as it seems, it is time for your high schooler to begin visiting some colleges.  You’ve navigated the college websites and gotten a couple of visits scheduled.  But what do you do while you’re there? And you’ve got lots of questions  – how do you know what kind of…