U.S. News Best Colleges Rankings Considerations
The annual US News Best Colleges edition is out. Here is how they compile the list – along with some important considerations for your own student.
There are many factors that have to be weighed during the college search, as students try to determine what colleges should make it on to their final application list.
The annual US News Best Colleges edition is out. Here is how they compile the list – along with some important considerations for your own student.
As your student considers colleges for their list, they are likely also looking at what majors those colleges have that are of interest to them. And once they begin to dig a little deeper, they may note that sometimes, they’ve also got to consider whether they prefer a Bachelor of Science vs Bachelors of Arts…
It is true that college size matters. A small college feels very different than a college in the large category. And sometimes, students hope that they can have the best of both worlds at a medium-sized school. Before going into more detail, it’s important to break down the numbers for each size, for comparison. Small…
You’re on the homestretch of your teen’s senior year in high school. You’ve survived a tough year that likely included virtual and in-person college tours and time spent nagging about college essays, on top of your student’s usual academic load. Acceptances are beginning to roll in. Maybe more than even anticipated (yay!). Or maybe there…
Each year, thousands of high school students are flattered when they receive an invitation in the mail to apply to various competitive pre-college summer programs. Or maybe they’ve even gotten an email from the college itself, suggesting that they should apply to their summer program. And each year, I am left to explain to families…
Unbelievably, I used to rarely get asked by any family about the financial health of a college that appeared on my list of recommended colleges for their student. Colleges’ financial health has always been a consideration for me as a consultant, but it is not something that most other people consider much. With the pandemic,…
While we are spending lots of time talking about the impact Covid-19 is having on high school seniors, we can’t forget about the juniors. There is no question that this situation is heartbreaking for seniors. But, while our seniors are missing their friends and major celebratory moments like their Homecoming dances, and senior banquets, juniors…
So, you’re starting the college search process. And now you’ve discovered that there is going to be a lot more to this experience than you expected. And today, it’s possible that I’m going to add in another factor you had not considered – college student engagement. It matters. And fortunately, there is a report, the…
It’s nothing new for college students to study abroad. But, usually, American students only go for short terms, ranging from several weeks to a full semester. In fact, the number of students studying abroad for a year or less has been increasing rapidly – the number went up over 6%, to 341,751, in just two…
What are some reasons that a college with big name recognition might not be the best choice for your student? Find out here.