students in front of college building

Why Does the College Admissions Yield Rate Matter?

Do you know what a college admissions yield is? It is the thing that keeps admissions officers up at night, especially in the month leading to national decision day, on May 1st. While March drags for students as they await admissions decisions, April is the month that feels endless for admissions officers. That’s because the…

Ornate Building with blooming tree in foreground
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8 Important Tips for College Admissions – #1 Start Early!

As a college consultant, I am frequently asked for my best advice for families undertaking the college search and admissions process.  I find it nearly impossible to narrow it down to just one piece of advice.  And generally, my advice is tailored to my specific audience.  But, if I had to only give one piece…

clock tower against blue sky on college campus
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What to Do and Questions to Ask on a College Visit

So, you’ve accepted that as unbelievable as it seems, it is time for your high schooler to begin visiting some colleges.  You’ve navigated the college websites and gotten a couple of visits scheduled.  But what do you do while you’re there? And you’ve got lots of questions  – how do you know what kind of…

tables lined up in gym with college representatives behind them

Why You Should Go to a College Fair and What You Should Do While You’re There

I have a confession:  Until last winter, I was anti-college fair.  There were a number of reasons for that.  The major one was that we were able to visit all the schools on Kids #1 and #2’s college lists at some point prior to college application time.  We were not as fortunate for Kid #3…