extreme close-up of two students' shoulders, arms, hands holding pencils as they look at a textbook together

AP vs IB vs AICE – Which One is Best?

Since you clicked on the title, it’s likely you already know what “AP vs IB vs AICE” is referring to.  But just in case: AP – Advanced Placement IB  – International Baccalaureate AICE – Advanced International Certificate of Education (This is also often referred to as the Cambridge curriculum) All three of the above are…

The End of Race-Conscious Admissions – Or Is it?

The End of Race-Conscious Admissions – Or Is it?

If you’re tuned in to higher ed, or maybe the news in general today, you’ll see headlines like “The End of Race-Conscious Admissions” or some go further and say “The End of Affirmative Action.”  It seems that it’s not truly accurate.  It feels a little too complex to try to explain in a social media…