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Is It Worth Hiring a College Admissions Consultant?

Last Updated on January 9, 2024 by Jill Schwitzgebel

My answer to the question in the title may surprise you.  Of course I think a college admissions consultant brings value.  But my answer to the question about whether it’s worth hiring one is — it depends!  Whether or not college admissions consulting services are right for your family depends on things ranging from your student’s college goals to whether you have time available to do the research yourself to whether your student will respond better to the application process with a third party involved.

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Despite what happened in a high profile college admissions scandal a couple of years ago, no ethical admissions consultant can guarantee that they can get a student into any place except a community college.  So, I definitely cannot promise an acceptance to an elite university.  There is nothing magical about what I do. But what I do have is an understanding of the process and the ability to not only assist with the search, but to take some stress out of the experience, while students craft their applications.  The top colleges are becoming more competitive each year, there are a million little details to factor into applications (did you know that what major a student lists might matter?), and high school counselors are generally overworked, which is why you may be hearing more about admissions consulting.

Benefits to Hiring an Admissions Consultant

  • Will help your student to broaden their college search.   They may suggest colleges that you have never heard of,  but that align with your student’s interests, personality, and goals.
  • Will help your family put together a balanced list of colleges from ones that might be a reach to attain, to ones where a student is more likely to be accepted.  Sometimes, this means helping families manage their expectations.
  • Will help your family to find schools that make the most financial sense for your situation.  That could mean helping your student locate colleges where they may be a candidate for some academic merit aid or will be more likely to meet your financial need.
  • When involved early, can provide some guidance when it comes to high school curriculum and extracurricular activities.
  • Will give guidance about best ACT and SAT testing strategy
  • At application time, can help students to polish their application so that they present an identity that comes through to the person reading their applications
  • Can help you to decide on an early application strategy that is most beneficial.
  • Help with essay brainstorming
  • Can assist with interview preparation.  They may even know questions that certain colleges typically ask and can do a mock interview with students.
  • Maybe most importantly, a consultant can help to navigate the entire experience, which can relieve stress.  Additionally, they can help reduce tense situations between parents and students when it comes to college applications.

Personally, I feel like a big part of my role is to educate families about the process, including financial aid, and then to provide them with information in a way that makes it easy to compare their options. But in my opinion, it is impossible to apply any kind of cookie cutter approach to the college search and application experience.  It is key that I understand each student’s background and their motivations, prior to making any suggestions.  That means having students, as well as their parents, complete some surveys/questionnaires as we begin the process, in addition to having conversations.  Sometimes, as we go through the process, and the student visits colleges and learns more about themselves and the process, they are ready to take charge of the experience, adding and deleting colleges from their application list.  Watching students’ confidence grow throughout the application process is one of my favorite things!

What an Admissions Consultant Cannot Do

  • Guarantee acceptance to any specific college
  • Guarantee any scholarship award
  • Serve as a financial advisor or complete financial aid forms
  • Write essays
  • Obtain special favors from a college in the case of missed deadlines, etc

When an Admissions Consultant Is Not Worthwhile

There are times when it does not make sense for a family to hire a consultant.

  • When you have the time and energy to commit to the research that the process requires
  • When your student is focused and has the motivation to do the necessary research and stay on track in the process
  • When your student has an affordable college option that they are happy with and where they rank among the top 20% in the typical applicant pool

Not everyone needs to use admissions consulting services.  It really does depend on your situation.  And sometimes, you need support in one area of the application process and not another.  Or, you get started, and realize you need more guidance.  Most consultants are flexible and willing to help no matter where you are in the process.

Interested in more detail?  Contact me!


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