Woman holding tablet while speaking on phone in front of building

The College Application Tips You Need: College Admission Counselors Answer Your Questions

Recently, I had the opportunity to ask questions of a couple of college admission counselors. I wanted to get the scoop about what they are really thinking as they read through applications from high school students. Originally, I was hoping to just pick up a few college application tips I could pass along to my…

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How to Investigate the Financial Health of a College

Unbelievably, I used to rarely get asked by any family about the financial health of a college that appeared on my list of recommended colleges for their student. Colleges’ financial health has always been a consideration for me as a consultant, but it is not something that most other people consider much. With the pandemic,…

Piggy bank on books in front of chalkboard

Why Should You Invest in a Qualified Tuition Program?

If you’re the parent of a potentially college-bound child, chances are that you have spent more than a few minutes thinking about the best way to finance that dream. While I have written previously about how to understand how much college really costs, I have never written specifically about the best way to save for…

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How to Write the Best College Admission Essay

I’ve written dozens of articles about college admission, ranging from beginning the college search to financial aid. I recently realized that for some reason, the one topic I have never written much about is this one – the college admission essay. Without a doubt, it’s the part of the application that students seem to dread…

undergraduate college admissions sign with sky background

How to Answer the Common App Question About Covid-19

The Common Application platform for applying to college, has announced that they will be adding an optional question for students about COVID-19.  Students are allowed to use 250 words to respond to this question: Community disruptions such as COVID-19 and natural disasters can have deep and long-lasting impacts. If you need it, this space is…

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Eight Big Questions for Colleges Planning to Re-Open

As the list of colleges planning to re-open grows daily, I have questions.  I’m guessing I’m not alone.  Some might be so happy that their teen will get to move to campus as planned, that they have not yet stayed awake half the night thinking up all the questions.   But, as an expert level over-thinker,…

Female student covering her face with book

College Search Advice for Juniors…in the Middle of a Pandemic

While we are spending lots of time talking about the impact Covid-19 is having on high school seniors, we can’t forget about the juniors. There is no question that this situation is heartbreaking for seniors.  But, while our seniors are missing their friends and major celebratory moments like their Homecoming dances, and senior banquets, juniors…

college gates behind fall tree

Is It a Good Time to Consider a Gap Year?

(Updated 2/21) The class of 2020 had a difficult and disappointing end to their senior year.  And so far, the class of 2021 has not fared any better.  The disappointing senior years have left families wondering whether maybe their students should consider a gap year?  Last year, the idea was so prevalent that juniors were…

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Will Colleges Be Open As Usual Next Fall?

Now that we have mostly gotten answers to our earliest questions about the Covid-19 impact on college admissions, this big one remains – will colleges be open next fall?  Cornell University recently released a preprint of a study that showed that nearly every student on campus (98 – 99% depending on the size of the…