empty bench with fall leaves and coronavirus image

Will Colleges Be Open As Usual Next Fall?

Now that we have mostly gotten answers to our earliest questions about the Covid-19 impact on college admissions, this big one remains – will colleges be open next fall?  Cornell University recently released a preprint of a study that showed that nearly every student on campus (98 – 99% depending on the size of the…

red brick campus path among trees

Considering Some Virtual College Tours? Here Are Some Options

Virtual college tours really took off a couple of years ago when it became difficult for potential students to visit colleges.   And now, I think it’s safe to say that it has almost become a standard part of the college search for many families.   Doing a campus virtual tour can be a great…

Red brick building with white pillars on college campus

The Impact of Covid-19 on College Admissions: An Update

Two weeks ago, which now seems like a year ago, I wrote about the preliminary anticipated impact of Covid-19 on college admissions.  Since then, there have been daily developments and the picture has become much clearer.  So I thought it was time to check back in here and attempt a round-up of what we now…

empty college dorm room

Coronavirus and College Admissions – 7 Impacts

As we are currently immersed 24/7 in news about COVID-19 here in the United States, I considered whether anyone could stand to read one more word about it.  But, I also know that the families I work with have questions about coronavirus and college admissions impacts.  And, as I sit in my home like many…

College Board PSAT Logo

Significantly Lower Scores on October 2019 PSAT – What Does That Mean?

I have been waiting for more than a month for a story about this test to hit outside of college counseling circles, but I still haven’t seen it anywhere. I have spoken to my clients that may be affected, but wanted to share this information more widely for all families. There were significantly lower scores…

college students working together

College Student Engagement and the College Search

So, you’re starting the college search process.  And now you’ve discovered that there is going to be a lot more to this experience than you expected.  And today, it’s possible that I’m going to add in another factor you had not considered – college student engagement.  It matters.  And fortunately, there is a report, the…

Acceptance, Rejection, or Waitlist sign

Your Student is on a College Waitlist…Now What?

According to the National Association for College Admissions Counseling, colleges are using waitlists more than ever before.  Between the Fall of 2017 and fall of 2018, the number of students put on a college waitlist increased by 18%.  And 43% of institutions reported using a waitlist. Let’s talk about exactly what that means and how…